
宝可梦探险寻宝技能选择推荐 全部技能效果属性详解


81 精神击破 超能力 The user creates a large orb of light in front of itself. The orb then splits into many smaller ones that fly out in all directions, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.Erv耐玩游戏网

82 飞弹针 虫 The user shoots three sharp spikes in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.Erv耐玩游戏网

83 猛扑 虫 The user lunges toward enemies in front of itself, damaging them.Erv耐玩游戏网

84 吐丝 虫 The user spews a sticky thread in three directions, creating nets that will damage enemies and often lower their movement speed.Erv耐玩游戏网

85 超级角击 虫 Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into enemies in front of itself with no letup, dealing huge damage to them.Erv耐玩游戏网

86 愤怒粉 虫 The user scatters a cloud of irritating powder on itself, causing surrounding enemies to target it.Erv耐玩游戏网

87 银色旋风 虫 Scales carried by the wind swirl around the user, damaging enemies hit by them. Some or all of the user's stats sometimes rise at random.Erv耐玩游戏网

88 吸血 虫 The user drains the blood of enemies directly in front of itself, damaging them. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.Erv耐玩游戏网

89 急速折返 虫 After attacking surrounding enemies, the user moves back to dodge enemies' counterattacks.Erv耐玩游戏网

90 暗影球 幽灵 The user hurls a shadowy blob in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.Erv耐玩游戏网

91 舌舔 幽灵 The user licks enemies all around itself with its long tongue, damaging them. Sometimes paralyzes enemies.Erv耐玩游戏网

92 奇异之光 幽灵 The user exposes surrounding enemies to a sinister ray, often confusing them.Erv耐玩游戏网

93 惊吓 幽灵 The user tries to startle enemies directly in front of itself, damaging those taken by surprise.Erv耐玩游戏网

94 龙之俯冲 龙 The user flies into enemies a short distance from itself with great intensity, damaging them.Erv耐玩游戏网

95 龙之波动 龙 The user sends a shock wave flying from its mouth, damaging enemies hit by it.Erv耐玩游戏网

96 龙爪 龙 The user gathers its strength, then charges forward while spinning, damaging enemies with its sharp claws.Erv耐玩游戏网

97 逆鳞 龙 The user rampages about, attacking and damaging any enemies in its path. Sometimes confuses the user.Erv耐玩游戏网

98 龙卷风 龙 The user whips up several tornadoes and sends them out in front of itself, damaging enemies hit by them.Erv耐玩游戏网

99 龙之舞 龙 The user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that raises the amount of damage it deals and its movement speed for a while.Erv耐玩游戏网

100 流星群 龙 The user summons several meteors down around itself, damaging enemies hit by them. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user deals.Erv耐玩游戏网

101 咬碎 恶 The user takes aim and then bites on to enemies a short distance in front of itself, damaging them.Erv耐玩游戏网

102 暗袭要害 恶 The user dashes forward, slashing surrounding enemies and damaging them. Critical hits land more easily.Erv耐玩游戏网

103 突袭 恶 The user briefly disappears and moves a short distance. It then charges toward enemies, damaging them.Erv耐玩游戏网

104 诡计 恶 The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts, raising the amount of damage it deals for a while.Erv耐玩游戏网

105 吹捧 恶 The user flatters enemies in front of itself, which confuses them but raises the amount of damage they deal and reduces the amount of damage they take.Erv耐玩游戏网

106 挑衅 恶 The user taunts surrounding enemies, forcing them to target it.Erv耐玩游戏网

107 钢翼 钢 The user charges at enemies in front of itself and smacks them with its hard wings, dealing damage. Sometimes reduces the amount of damage the user takes.Erv耐玩游戏网

108 铁尾 钢 The user swings its steel-hard tail, damaging surrounding enemies and sometimes raising the amount of damage they take.Erv耐玩游戏网

109 金属爪 钢 The user rakes enemies in front of itself with its steel claws, dealing damage. Sometimes raises the amount of damage the user deals.Erv耐玩游戏网

110 铁壁 钢 The user hardens its skin until it's like iron, lowering the damage it takes for a while.Erv耐玩游戏网

111 金属音 钢 Enemies near the user are forced to listen to a horrible sound like metal scraping, often raising the amount of damage they take.Erv耐玩游戏网

112 加农光炮 钢 The user focuses all of its light energy into a single point and fires a beam in front of itself, sometimes raising the amount of damage enemies take.Erv耐玩游戏网

113 魔法闪耀 妖精 The user moves about as it emits a powerful flash that damages enemies hit by it.Erv耐玩游戏网

114 吸取之吻 妖精 The user kisses enemies directly in front of itself and damages them. Part of the damage dealt restores the user's HP.Erv耐玩游戏网

115 撒娇 妖精 The user makes surrounding enemies less wary with its cute behavior, often reducing the amount of damage they deal.Erv耐玩游戏网
